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DongHwa News
[DongHwa News No. 22-06] DongHwa Entec unveils a future vision at “H2 Meet 2022”

DongHwa Entec, a heat exchanger specialty company, revealed its future vision for the eco-friendly energy sector at the “H2 MEET 2022” event held from Aug. 31 at the Ilsan KINTEX.


In particular, DongHwa Entec demonstrated unwavering competiveness with its line of products, from shipbuilding, onshore plants and cryogenic (LNG) heat exchangers to FGSS and BOG reliquefaction equipment. It thus joins global efforts to overcome a carbon-related crisis through a concrete roadmap encompassing hydrogen, ammonia, and CCS for the development of eco-friendly sectors. DongHwa Entec is showing tangible results in the hydrogen energy application area.


The company has shipped out as many as 100 units of PCHE type high pressure (1,000 Bar of design pressure) hydrogen coolers for hydrogen vehicle charging stations, and with a 70~80% market share in Korea, it won the grand prize in the hydrogen charging infrastructure category at the “H2 Mobility + Energy Show 2021”. Moreover, it supplied Korea’s first waste heat recovery and heat supply modules to hydrogen fuel power generation facilities in Bukpyeong, Gangwon-do. These modules are successfully in commercial operation now.


DongHwa Entec’s technology will also lead to the development of fuel supply systems for ammonia-powered ships, LCO2 liquefaction and cargo handling technology, and hydrogen handling technology for hydrogen-powered ships in the future. Therefore, the company is expected to grow as a leading midsized equipment and engineering company in the eco-friendly era.


DongHwa Entec is about to take a giant leap as the best company with its lineup of engineering technology in the eco-friendly sector, including heat exchangers and compressors, and will participate in the Green & Offshore Korea 2022 event to be held at BEXCO, Busan on Oct. 12.