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DongHwa News
[DongHwa News No. 22-09] Verification test on “Korea’s first” fuel supply system for Gas Only Engine completed successfully with vessel classification attended

DongHwa Entec, STX Engine, Kumsung GTC, Hyupsung Metallize and KR completed the gas engine verification test and performance test, finalizing development at STX Engine (Changwon) on Oct. 7. The companies had been working on the “Coastal Ship LNG Fuel Supply Module Development Project” for four years while being supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy. The test evaluation included a PBU (Pressure Build-up Unit) Mode test and a demonstration of FGSS’s fuel supply stability when engine load changes. Verification started with the ceremony for the third-party test certification, presented by the Korean Register of Shipping, followed by the Design Approval for Multi-Stream PCHE presentation, and finally the Approval in Principle for the fuel supply system presentation.


DongHwa Entec applied a space-intensive LNG fuel supply system that is differentiated from the existing PBU method for fuel supply systems that was supplied to Korea’s first LNG-powered tug in Oct. 2021. Taking the next step forward, DongHwa Entec developed the “Small FGSS Ver. II” that unifies a fuel tank pressurizing vaporizer (PBU) and a vaporizer applied to an engine after evaporating pressurized LNG is unified, and a PCHE (Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger) served as a heat exchanger, which resulted in maximization of space utilization. This feature is expected to meet ship owners’ requirements to minimize loading space and maximize the use of limited space by developing a process technology optimized for coastal ships.


Further, DongHwa Entec successfully received the Korea Gas Safety Corporation (KGS)’s inspection sticker for completion of a high-pressure manufacturing facility within the shortest period (about 3 weeks) after its fuel supply system package successfully reached STX Engine’s gas storage facility. The company also secured the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency’s (KOSHA) Process Safety Management (PSM) Evaluation conformity check.


DongHwa Entec’s small FGSS is meaningful in regards to its business diversification. From KOGAS Marine’s Tug FGSS to Gyeongsang National University’s training ship, DongHwa Entec has been accumulating project performance results with its vigorous ongoing development of electric propulsion applications.