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DongHwa News
[DongHwa News No. 22-13] DongHwa Entec performs the “Sharing of Love Briquettes” event

DongHwa Entec carried out the “Sharing of Love Briquettes” volunteer service” near 35 Chungjang-daero 289beo-gil, Dong-gu, on Dec. 3, 2022.


Of about 140,000 households using briquettes for heating and cooking, 100,000 households belong to poor elderly people (aged 80 or older) and basic livelihood recipients. Due to bans on group gatherings during COVID-19, briquette sharing could not be carried out. Then, as briquette prices went up due to the removal of the government’s briquette subsidy, these difficult circumstances continued with fewer opportunities to extend a warm helping hand.


Now, with the COVID-19 policy relaxed, DongHwa Entec has donated 11 million KRW, and through its volunteer group DoDream safely delivered briquettes to homes in need of help. Despite the freezing weather, 50 employees, including CEO Kim Dong kun, Family Love Committee Chairman Kim Yeong man, and DoDream President Choe Jeong seok, voluntarily attended the event with their family members and acquaintances. As a sharing activity to promote coexistence with the local community, the event became an occasion to provide real help to underprivileged neighbors along with a message of hope.


DongHwa Entec CEO Kim Dong kun said, “I feel sorry that our social contribution activities couldn’t continue due to COVID-19, although there were many neighbors requiring kind and generous hands in the Busan area. Taking this event as an opportunity, I will make efforts for more active participation again. I hope that they will spend a warm winter even with this smallest gesture of kindness.


” DongHwa Entec Volunteer Group DoDream President Choe Jeong seok commented, “I will join DonHwa Entec employees in contributing to making a happy world for everyone by continuously engaging in social contribution activities in the future.”


The Busan Briquette Bank expressed their gratitude for the briquette sharing aid, though they said that volunteer workers’ participation is noticeably low and they hope other companies and organizations show more social interest as DongHwa Entec has.