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DongHwa News
[DongHwa News No. 22-11] DongHwa Entec CEO Kim Dong Kun wins the 2022 Best Work-Life Balance Company Contest in the WLB CEO category

Busan City hosted the 2022 Busan Work-Life Balance Fair on Nov. 7 (Mon) for the city to earn the title “Happy Work-Life Balanced City”. The event was hosted and organized by Busan City, the Busan Regional Employment and Labor Administration, the Busan Work-Life Balance Support Center, the Busan Women and Family Development Center, and the Busan Enterprises Federation. The event proceeded as follows:.


[Event Schedule] △ The WLB Week ceremony and declaration of the Work-Life Balance slogan △ The WLB Talk Show △ A special lecture on WLB △ A photo exhibition and contest △ A meeting between the promotion team and WLB companies △ A cultural performance △ Presentation of the Work-Life Balance Campaign.


A total of 74 companies had initially been chosen to compete in the 2022 Best Work-Life Company Contest to discover model cases of Work-Life Balance and spread them in their local communities. Among them, only six companies were awarded a prize in three categories (Work-Life Balance CEO, Best company for raising children, Best corporate culture to work in). DongHwa Entec CEO Kim Dong Kun was chosen in the Work-Life Balance CEO category. Since the company was certified as a Family-friendly Company in 2011, it has built a record of being chosen as Best Family-friendly Company, Best Work-Life Balance Company, Best Employer, and Youth-friendly Small Giant.


In particular, DongHwa Entec was highly recognized for creating an environment in which women can return from career interruption and childcare burden, which they are most concerned about, by establishing a cooperative workplace childcare facility (as a representative company). In addition, the company offers flexible work conditions, such as staggered commuting, childcare leave, work hour reduction, maternity leave, working from home, leaving work on the dot, and a horizontal organizational culture. They also contribute to creating jobs and expanding the industrial complex employment infrastructure by continuously raising the service years of female workers. CEO Kim Dong Kun said, “I will make more efforts to foster the company as the Best Work-Life Balance company by maintaining, developing, and providing WLB-related programs continuously as human resources and technology development is the company’s future.”


Busan Mayor Park Hyeong jun said, “Work-Life Balance is a key to resolving the problem of the low birth rate and aging, as well as for aiding corporate growth. Busan City is the best for holding Work-Life Balance Weeks across the nation.” He added, “I will do my best to make Busan a happy WLB city by actively focusing on Busan’s policies in the future also.” Byeon Sang jun, Director of Busan City Work-Life Balance Support Center, said, “I hope this 2022 Busan Work-Life Balance Fair will encourage and support companies, workers and citizens striving to put Work-Life Balance into practice while maintaining employment amid difficult circumstances, including COVID-19.”