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DongHwa Entec is a leading company for shipbuilding and marine heat exchanger equipment, and the company places the highest priority on meeting customer needs and customer satisfaction.

DongHwa Entec provides all types of heat exchangers required for the handling of a ship’s cargo and a ship’s navigation system, and various forms of heat exchangers such as S&T, plate, and fin type, and a variety of heat exchangers for diverse purposes including air coolers, plate coolers, and oil coolers. DongHwa Entec has the best technological capabilities in the world for cryogenic heat exchangers specialized for cryogenic services used for LNG carriers, gas-propelled ships, and FSRUs. In addition to all of this, we are expanding our business into system engineering products including a BOG reliquefaction system (DH-reli) and fuel gas supply system (DH–FGSS).

Contact us

Dept. Staff Member Tel Email
Shipbuilding Business Team William Kim +82-51-970-1039 gjh82@dh.co.kr
DongHwa CHINA(Shanghai) Sales Team Majin +86-16610990451 majin@donghwa.sh.cn
