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Printed Circuit Heat Exchanger

The PCHE (printed circuit heat exchanger) is a product that bonds basic materials using an interfacial diffusion phenomenon caused from the surface between basic materials at high temperatures, high pressure and vacuum environment conditions. Although the heat exchange type is similar to the plate type, the structure between the plates has such a merit as maintaining the mechanical properties of the basic material. Therefore PCHE can be used at a high temperature, an ultralow temperature, and in a high-pressure environment.  

As a compact heat exchanger, it is mainly used as an LNG carrier’s BOG (cryogenic) reliquefaction equipment, high pressure vaporizer, and compressor cooler. For onshore use, the equipment is used for waste heat recovery and modification of hydrogen fuel cells, SCO2 power generation, and hydrogen charging stations. We are supplying a best quality H2 pre cooler (700bar) for hydrogen fueling stations.  

Contact us

Shipbuilding Business Team
William Kim+82-51-970-1039gjh82@dh.co.kr