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FSRU Regas System High Pressure LNG Vaporizer

As a cryogenic heat exchanger used to load/unload the LNG from the LNG FSRU, the equipment plays a role in vaporizing the high-pressure LNG. The heat source that heats the LNG uses fluid usable in seawater, glycol water, and other low temperature environments, and the optimal design suitable for the fluid characteristics is implemented.
The ability to analyze the heat characteristics of high pressure and ultra-low temperature and the structure design technology are the core of the equipment. Depending on the system characteristics, the equipment can be used for temperature compensation according to pressure drop by installing a trim heater at the lower part of the HP vaporizer and also it can respond to change in loading/unloading conditions. If the equipment is used in connection with our LNG trim heater, plate cooler, steam heater, and glycol heating system, the best system efficiency and effective operability can be achieved.

Contact us

Shipbuilding Business Team
William Kim+82-51-970-1039gjh82@dh.co.kr