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DongHwa News
[DongHwa News No. 22-16] DongHwa Entec chosen as “2023 Youth-friendly Small Giants”

DongHwa Entec was chosen over seven consecutive years, including for 2023, for a “Youth-friendly Small Giants” event organized by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Employment Information Service. Of the 1,000 companies chosen for this year’s “Youth-friendly Small Giants”, DongHwa Entec and 43 others are located in Busan City.


The “Youth-friendly Small Giants”, first implemented in 2016, evaluates and chooses small- and medium-sized businesses (SME) with excellent working conditions that youths want. The Ministry of Employment and Labor chooses youth-friendly small giants every year to improve awareness of SME and to guide young people to SME jobs that provide good wages, a work-life balance, and employment stability. The Ministry’s selection was based on these categories (wages, work-life balance, and employment stability) until last year; starting this year, the selection deliberation committee awarded rankings to companies that won good scores in each category along with the results of a site inspection.


Only companies that were competitive and chosen as “2022 Small Giants” chosen by the Ministry of Employment and Labor are eligible for Youth-friendly Small Giants. These companies were confirmed to maintain a high youth employment creation with young workers accounting for 48% of the staff, as well as 1.5 times higher average wages and 8 or more new young recruits annually relative to other companies. Companies chosen as Youth-friendly Small Giants are provided with various forms of financial support and benefits, including:.


Customized recruitment support services, site-based customized PR, expansion of business information service channels, preferential financial treatment for youth job support projects, preferential subsidy arrangement for high-risk improvement projects, preferential treatment for companies engaging in work and learning in parallel, preferential treatment for youth work experience programs, preferential treatment for certified family-friendly companies, preferential treatment for support projects (policy funds, R&D, etc.), preferential support for heat wave and disaster prevention facilities, preferential subsidy arrangements for employment creation/stability incentives, preferential treatment for companies participating in youth recruitment fairs, preferential 0.5% interest rate for companies using the Shinhan Bank special agreement guaranteed loan, preferential guarantees for companies issued the Credit Guarantee Fund’s guarantee, preferential treatment for companies excluded from tax investigations, additional points for being chosen as special military service cases (skilled industrial personnel), and preferential treatment for leasing public property.


An executive at DongHwa Entec explained, “By being equipped with various welfare systems that young people recently prefer, along with welfare facilities for employees’ convenience, we have made efforts to balance work and life, which led to great results in this evaluation.” DongHwa Entec won high scores in all categories (work-life balance, wages, employment stability) as well as for innovative capabilities as it operates various welfare systems, including: △ flexible work △ childcare facilities △ long-term services △ family event support △ A refresh leave scheme △resorts and condominiums available across the nation △ childcare support △ a canteen △ commuter vehicles △ rest facilities and welfare space △ sports facilities △ educational and self-development subsidies △ an educational system operation △ clubs.


DongHwa Entec CEO Kim Dong kun said, “Our key corporate values are autonomous management, technology leadership, and respect for talented people. In particular, we want to promote win-win growth through communication and collaboration by valuing those with talent and a willingness to grow, supporting their growth, and pursuing the growth of character and ability.” He further noted, “I will make efforts for the company to grow with youths and employees by continuously creating working conditions they want to work in.”