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DongHwa News
[DongHwa News No. 22-07] DongHwa Entec CEO Kim Dong Kun wins a government award on the Day for Industrial Complexes 2022

The event to commemorate the Day for Industrial Complexes was held at G-Tower Convention (Seoul Digital Complex) on Sept. 22 (Thu), 2022 to boost the morale and pride of businesses occupying industrial complexes, which have played a pivotal role in industrial complex development and economic growth.


The Day for Industrial Complexes’ commemoration event has been regularly held at the government level every year since 2006 for industrial complexes across the nation. The event aims to shed new light on the results of “Industrial Complexes” that have had a key role in securing the nation’s sustainable economic growth. This year’s theme, Korean Industries’ Transformation, Together with Industrial Complexes!, raises the hope that industrial complexes will transform Korea’s economic future and be a foundation for continued hope through stimulation of business investment by way of drastic regulatory innovation and industrial transformation to create future food sources.


The event included a government award focusing on finding meritorious companies that contributed to the development of industrial complexes, especially through manufacturing innovation, investment stimulation, and job creation. It was attended by about 350 people, including National Assembly member, the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy, and business leaders.


DongHwa Entec CEO Kim Dong Kun was highly recognized for his economic effects and contribution to industrial complex development and local economy revitalization, including new job creation and employment expansion through continuous innovation and new market exploration. He was presented with a government award (Prime Minister’s citation) in the Balanced Local Development category under the MTIE’s meritorious regulation for balanced local industrial development.


Besides the award, the commemoration event included the following: △A presentation on the progress status for industrial site control improvement △ A special lecture on small- and medium-sized businesses’ innovative growth platforms △ A industrial complex transformation presentation.


Vice Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Jang Yeong jin stated in his congratulatory message, "Industrial complexes, accounting for 63.2% of the entire manufacturing production, 65.6% of exports, and 47.4% of employment, has played a key role in Korea’s economic development." He also said, "For Korea’s economy to take another leap, industrial complex site-related regulatory innovations and infrastructure upgrades are required." MTIE plans to construct an industry, technology, residence and culture-convergence space and a multi-faceted cultural center while supporting a customized digital transformation and carbon reduction for companies moving into industrial complexes.